Is the era of A2A payments about to begin?

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By David Brooks

At EBAday 2024, Simone Del Guerra, Head of Central Institutions & International Sales, Nexi Group, talks about the development of A2A payments and how instant payments will be the catalyst for A2A payments in Europe. A2A payments are currently fragmented because the user experience at the point of sale is not as efficient as more common payment methods such as credit cards or digital wallets, and customers also do not know about or trust A2A payments. However, successful case studies from around the world are usually based on Instant Payments, which highlights that these two payment types should perhaps be linked together, especially because this will in turn drive the standardization of overlay services such as Request to Pay, database proxy and usage of QR codes.

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This content was created by the Finextra editorial team with input from the funding body’s subject matter experts.

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