Women Crypto Investors India 2024: Delhi Dominates

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By Shruti

Mudrex report analyzed Women Crypto Investors India 2024, and surprisingly, Delhi has the highest number of female investors in the country.

Mudrex, the leading cryptocurrency platform, recently listed the geographical distribution of female investors in India. This list is for the fiscal year 2023-24. Hence, the data shows Delhi women are among those investing in cryptocurrency.

Citywise Women Crypto Investors India 2024

Of the total crypto investors in Delhi, 23% are females, as the Mudrex reports suggest. Further, Bengaluru has 21% of them. Mumbai and Kolkata follow the rest percentage of female investors.

To sum up, among all the crypto investors in India, 25% of them are women. It’s interesting to comprehend that FY 2023-24 had a 5% surge in female investors ratio. Amongst all these, women aged between 20-25 have a 37% ratio, while the age group 25-30 has 29%.

Wrapping Up

It is noteworthy how the number of female crypto investors would hike in India if, in the future, the GOI would abolish 30%taxes over it. Despite this limitation, there’s a vast number of Indian crypto investors, so the industry has the potential to grow further.

But what does RBI think about crypto? Read here: RBI Governor Cryptocurrency Realism

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